TSS13285 - CMap - carcinogenome project: Toxicogenomic signatures in the human cell line MCF10A.WT.HP after exposure to benzo[k]fluoranthene 100.99 µM
Public Genomics


Organism Homo sapiens
Tissue Breast
CellEpithelial cell
Cell lineBreast fibrocystic disease


Experimental typeIn-vitro
Developmental stageNa


Genomic signature information

Technology used L1000
Platform L1000

Statistical information

Control samples None
Treated samples None
Pvalue Cutoff 0.05
FC Cutoff 1.96
Statistical processing For each perturbation and landmark gene, we computed the change in gene expression following the perturbation using a moderated z-score procedure as described in the CMap–L1000 workflow. Differential expression values were calculated as moderated z-scores for each landmark gene and each unique perturbation (chemical and dose combination) perturbation, collapsed to a single value across replicates. (Li et al. 2019; Subramanian et al. 2017). /n When absolute z-scores are superior to 1.96, genes are considered as differentially expressed.

Associated Factors

Chemical factor n° 1

Chemical Benzo[k]fluoranthene
Route Medium
Vehicule DMSO
Dose 100.99 µM
Exposure time 24.0 hours
Exposure frequencies h

No biological subfactors linked to this factor

No physical subfactors linked to this factor