TSS8503 - Toxicogenomic signature of MCF-7 cells exposed to E2
Public Interventional


Organism Homo sapiens
Cell lineMcf7 cell


Experimental typeNa
Developmental stageNa


Genomic signature information

Technology used None
Platform GPL25261

Statistical information

Control samples 4
Treated samples 4
Pvalue Cutoff 0.05
FC Cutoff None
Statistical processing The statistical filtration of the genes differentially expressed between CTR and E2-treated samples was performed using the Annotation, Mapping, Expression and Network suite of tools (Chalmel and Primig, 2008).

Associated Factors

Chemical factor n° 1

Chemical estradiol
Route Medium
Vehicule Ethanol
Dose 0.001 µM
Exposure time 24.0 hours
Exposure frequencies No exposure frequencies provided

No biological subfactors linked to this factor

No physical subfactors linked to this factor